Volunteer Registration to FOSSASIA 2016
Please register your volunteer participation for FOSSASIA 2016 here. The event will take place from March 18th - 20th in Singapore. On March 17th the PostGreSQL day will start on day zero. More information on http://fossasia.org

Responsibilities: Volunteers help with all kinds of activities during the event: Registration of participants, Tshirt distribution, assisting speakers and participants, keeping social media channels up to date, taking photos for twitter, facebook, flickr, helping out with speaker catering, distributing information at the event and more.

Please subscribe to FOSSASIA tweets for updates: http://twitter.com/fossasia

Read about our activities on the blog at http://blog.fossasia.org

Like FOSSASIA on FB: http://facebook.com/fossasia

See images of our previous events at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/fossasia

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Given Name: *
Family Name: *
Date of birth *
e.g. 17.02.1987
Email *
University or Company *
Current Country/Region *
Field of studies
e.g. Linguistics, Computer Science, English
Mobile *
Website or Blog
Your twitter account
facebook *
Your facebook account
Your Google+ account
Your github account
Will you be able to commit 2 full days working at the venue from 7:30 to 5:30 (Fri-Sat March 18-20) *
Have you ever participated in any volunteer programs? *
If yes, please tell us where you participated and describe your experience here:
T-shirt Size *
Anything else you would like to tell us?
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