Book Questionnaire
Please fill out the questionnaire in order to help Writer's Block Publishing best fulfill your artistic vision. If there are queries you cannot answer at this time, Writer's Block Publishing will be happy to collaborate with you as the publication process continues in order to serve your needs.

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 Desired completion date: *
 Client Name: *
Email address: *
 Phone number: *
Mailing address: *
 Author name as it should appear on the book: *
 Book title: *
 Subtitle: *
 Book genre: *
 Do you already have artwork that you would like to appear on the front and back cover? *
(If so please send image to
Would you like you like a matte or glossy book cover?
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 Text to appear on cover: *
(blurbs or quotes in addition to title/author name)
 One-to-two paragraph description of book (back cover):
 Do you have any professional pictures of yourself that we can use for the back of your book? *
(If so send pictures to
Preferred book size: *
Would you like your book distributed on Amazon as an Ebook? *
Would you like your book distributed on Amazon as a physical copy? *
Would you like your book distributed on Barnes and Noble as a physical copy? *
Would you like a hard cover or soft cover?
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Would you like color or black and white images inside your book?
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What is the price for which you will be selling your book? *
Do you need a website built and published for your book? *
Do you have an "About the Author" section for the back of the book? If so please include with the manuscript *
If you do not have an 'About the Author' section, would you like Writer's Block Publishing to create the content for you based on information you provide?
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Do you require content editing for your manuscript?
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Do you require specific formatting of your manuscript? If so, please explain in detail.
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