For Tokyo RNA Club Organizers
Please fill in the form below if you are planning Tokyo RNA Club. The TRC website will be updated shortly with the provided information. Please check the TRC website for the reference of the necessary information.
Acceder a Google para guardar el progreso. Más información
Correo electrónico *
Name (and institution) of contact person *
e-mail address of contact person *
Organizer(s) (with institution) *
Date *
Time *
Please indicate the start and end time (ex. 13:00 - 19:00).
Place *
URL to describe the Place (access)
Speakers (with institution) *
Flyer (or Poster)
Please indicate the URL for Flyer/Poster download, if you prepared one. 
(We cannot use file uploads due to the restriction in our university. If you want to send it to me by e-mail, please indicate below so I can contact you.)
Please indicate below if you have further requests or inquiries.
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