Patriot Pom Squad 
Calling all Providence girls in Classes Four, Five, Six, Seven and Eight to bring on the spirit for our Homecoming Week.  We will cheer, dance, and have so much fun "encouraging one another and building each other up!” (1 Thessalonians 5:11)  Classes Seven and Eight will take a leadership role within the Patriot Pom Squad with our younger girls.
Below is what a commitment to the Patriot Pom Squad entails:

  • Practice EVERY Tuesday and Friday from 2:40 - 4:00 at Providence beginning August 23rd - October 4th
    • Providence Athletes can come to pom practice directly following volleyball or cross country practice.  We feel like the older girls will be able to pick up the routine even with the shorter practice time.  We DEFINITELY want our older girls to participate.  
      • Providence is allowing Pom Squad hours to be counted toward alternative sport hours.  If you daughter is choosing alternative sports, each week three (3) hours of pom practice can be counted toward your alternative sport required hours.  Additional hours can come from other activities outside of school (for example tennis lesson, dance class etc.).  Pom Squad only girls can also just participate in strength and conditioning at Providence to fulfill their athletic requirements.   
      • Pom Squad participants in Classes 6, 7 and 8 will receive a Little Patriot for Homecoming week - even if they are not involved in another Providence sport.
  • Thursday, October 6 - Perform at Homecoming Pep Rally during school hours in the Providence Gym. Perform at Homecoming Game from 5:00 to 7:00 P.M. at Providence Football Field 
  • Cost is $100/girl.  Venmo to @HaleyMarch.  
    • Uniforms - They will receive a skirt, shirt and bow.  Girls will keep their shirt and bow.  All skirts and poms will remain with the Pom Squad for future teams.  Pom sweatshirts will be distributed during Winter Sports season.
    • Money goes towards uniforms, poms, sweatshirts, pizza on the day of homecoming, treats throughout the season, the blessing of our Winter Athletes and Athletic department
    • Please do not let cost be a deciding factor for pom squad.  If it is a burden at all, please let me know.  Thanks to our fundraiser in the spring, scholarships are available.  
  • Attendance policy - Attendance is important because it effects everyone on the team.  Formations are harder, timing and different parts of the routine are more difficult when someone is missing, and we do cover quite a bit at each practice.  So in fairness to the team, we are allowing only two (2) absences.  Ideally we would like 100% attendance but realize things do come up. Practice on Friday, September 30th and Tuesday, October 4th will be MANDATORY.  
  • Last year’s Winter Pep Rally was a wonderful bonus for Pom Squad.  We will likely participate again but will NOT open registration to add members mid year.  We MAY teach the girls the Winter Pep Rally routine during our practice this fall.  Regardless, this is not a commitment for future performances or practices BUT should you want to participate in the Winter Pep Rally, you must be registered for the fall. 

Please sign up by Friday, August 12
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Mom's Email
Mom's Phone Number
Dad's Email (not necessary, only if desired)
Dad's Phone Number (not necessary, only if desired)
Student's First Name
Student's Last Name
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Daughter's Approximate Height (inches) - helpful for formation purposes - leave blank if you don't know
Does your daughter participate on the Providence volleyball team?
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Does your daughter participate on the Providence Cross Country team?
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Is your daughter doing alternative sports for Providence athletic requirements?
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Is your daughter new to Pom Squad?
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T-Shirt Size 
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Skirt Size - we will let the girls try on skirts to get the right fit but this will help give us an idea
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We are excited to have your daughter on Pom Squad!
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