6th Grade Parent Survey 

Dear Parents,

We are seeking our parents' input regarding “Academic Rigor” for your child.   We define academic rigor as the educational experience that engages students in content appropriate to their academic level and helps them learn to analyze, evaluate, and ultimately create.  Over the last two years, to bolster our educational programs, we have employed a new STEM teacher, a new writing expert highlighting critical thinking skills, and a new Individual Academic Support Director.  Also, to enhance our curriculum, WVCS has added a new writing curriculum (College Board Springboard), added a new math curriculum (Reveal), added a new science curriculum (Elevate), created two math paths in Middle School and purchased $75k in educational resources.   Now is an appropriate time for us to collect your feedback so that we can identify the effectiveness of these efforts to reach all learners.   If you have additional time and would like to discuss your insights in person, please schedule an appointment with Mr. Swales to discuss any of the following topics.

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Student's First and Last Name: *
Years at WVCS:
How effective is school at providing “Academic Rigor” for your child?
1A. Academic Rigor in Math: 
1B. Academic Rigor in Writing: 
1C. Academic Rigor in Reading:  
1D. Academic Rigor in MS Science: 
1E. Academic Rigor in MS History: 
1F. How effective was last year’s “Academic Rigor” preparing your child for this year’s “Academic Rigor”?    

How effective is WVCS at developing a balanced and dynamic Christian education?

2. Spiritual / Faith:    
3. Arts / Creative Expression:   
4. Social Skills / Character:  
5. Athletic Distinction / Physical Fitness: 
6. Technology / Stem:    
7. How satisfied are you with the school’s communication to parents?  
8.  How satisfied are you with your educational experience at WVCS?    
9.  How effective is the school’s campus security? 
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10.  How effectively does the school resolve student conflicts?   
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11. How effectively does the school welcome diversity?  
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12. How effectively does the school create a good learning environment? 
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13. How effectively does school help students with social / emotional struggles?
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14. How effectively does school support keeping homework load reasonable?  
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15. Do you wish to be more involved in WVCS as a parent?
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16. What events do you wish to see more parents involved:
17. Please share any commendations and recommendations you may have. 
The purpose of this email is to keep you informed and aware of our content in our parent emails and to continue to prompt you to have educational discussions on how to help us reach all learners at WVCS.

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