Anime Iwai: Horizons Craftsmanship Contest Form
Thank you for your interest in Anime Iwai: Horizons 2023 Craftsmanship contest! This is our pre-registration form and MUST be submitted prior to November 9th, 2023. By completing this form you are abiding by the following rules:

✦ Your costume must be at least 50% hand-made 
        This means your costume must have been altered or done by your own hand. This does include the modification of pre-existing items such as thrifted items that have been changed to suit your needs for the character/creation. An entirely thrifted and modified cosplay is acceptable. If you enter a cosplay that is bought online we will know, and you will NOT be considered for any category awards. 

✦ Please bring progress pictures and references of your submission, and be able to thoroughly explain your work process/creation process. 

✦ If your prop would not pass a prop check DO NOT BRING IT. 

✦ Please keep all entries PG-13. This is a family-friendly event. Swimsuit style cosplays are acceptable. Keep anything that would pass as at an 18+ event at home! Nudity or near nudity is not acceptable. 

✦ Have good sportsmanship! This means no bad mouthing, being rude, or uppity with other competitors/attendees. We are all here to have fun and enjoy what we love! Please do not sully the experience for others. 

If there are any questions please contact me at

Emma, Cosplay Director

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Name(s) *
Email  *
Preferred Name/Alias
(What we will call you or your group on stage)
Pronouns *
Entry Type *
*Groups must select the option of their most advanced member*

Novice - Beginner craftsmen. Normally for those who have not competed before, but is open to all. 
Journeyman - Intermediate craftsman, those who have won in the novice category previously, or feel they have more experience 
Masters - Advanced, have won awards in either Novice/Journeyman, and/or feel that they have the experience for this category. 

Judges have the right to bump or demote categories based on what they see fit ex. A person who may have signed up for Masters may be better suited for Journeyman, etc. 
Character Name *
Series/Source *
Do you need assistance with getting on/off stage? *
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