Are readers able to interact with the publication in a number of ways, including comments, discussion boards and polls/surveys?
Does the staff use social media tools to market its own work, but also to provide readers with valuable information?
Has the staff created online directories and reader services so that the website becomes a one-stop-shop for the community’s information needs?
Do games, polls, quizzes, interactive maps and other interactive tools engage readers with the news?
Does the staff embrace “Citizen Journalism?” Are readers invited to submit photos, stories, blogs and other content that can be used for a stand-alone page or as complementary material to go with the staff’s work? Does the staff use that material?
Do reporters and editors use “crowd-sourcing” to not only develop story ideas, but to enhance and enrich stories that have already been published?
Do useful hyperlinks add value to a story by directing readers to other stories or sites with vital information?
For photo and video stories, does the staff use a variety of shots and adequate graphics or captions to tell a coherent story?
For audio reports, does the staff record clean sound and use VOs, natural sound and sound bites to tell a coherent story?
Does the staff not only understand but follow copyright laws, using only original content or copyright-free material and material in the public domain?