Kamezdov Commissions! 
If you're interested in getting a commission from yours truly, you're at the right place! Please read the form carefully and send all the information we'll be working with. For now i'll be opening 5 slots. Once these are filled, this form will close down. But don't worry if you missed out! I'll be opening this form again once these 5 slots are finished, so you can still have a chance.
NOTE: Please make sure to have your preferred contact method available when I try to reach out to you. Otherwise, i'll move on to the next commission. Thank you for your understanding.

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Preferred Nickname or Username
Paypal Email Address *
Preferred Contact Method
Username/Address (related to above) *
Commission Options

- Payment will be made upfront - Paypal only!
- All options except Sketch commissions will include a sketch stage which will be provided to the commissioner before the full rendering
- Please make sure to provide all needed character references and a proper description of your commission (poses, situation, etc.). Preliminary sketch stage will have a maximum of 3 edits without charge.
- If you don't have a proper ref of your character, we can work it up and build it together, but take note the final price will increase 25% its original value.
- Will not draw R-18, gore or any kind of art which insults or tries to harm an individual and/or group

Character References

Please provide all the links and references you have for your character or characters. You can also provide additional detals like aspects of their personalities if you wish, so i'll do better when portraying them.
Commission Description

Describe what you would like to include in the commission (included but not limited to poses, expressions, actions, and/or details or background elements). Make sure to provide all the information from the beggining so I can do my best.
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