Minneapolis Car Accident Lawyers | McEwen & Kestner, Minneapolis Car Accident Lawyers Contact (651) 224-3833 Today
McEwen & Kestner is a Minneapolis Personal Injury Law Firm specializing in a variety of auto accident injuries. These types of accidents range for car and truck accidents, to bus, road and motorcycle injuries.

Contact Details

McEwen & Kestner, Minneapolis Car Accident Lawyers
2900 Thomas Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55416
(651) 224-3833
Website: https://www.minnesotainjury.com/truck-accident-attorneys
Google Site: https://sites.google.com/site/mncaraccidentlawyers
Google Folder: http://bit.ly/38p9BIu
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How long have you practiced personal injury law?
What is your assessment of my case?
What is your approach to handling auto accident injury cases?
Do you charge a contingency fee or hourly rate?
If we do not get a settlement or win the case, will I have to pay you any money?
MN Auto Accident Attorney
MN Car Accident Lawyer
Neck Injuries And Other Car Crash Injuries In Minnesota

For many car wrecks in Minneapolis, emergency medical care alone could cost over $65,000. This sum does not include follow-up medical care, physical therapy, and other related expenses. Many health insurance companies refuse to pay these costs for liability reasons, and many families cannot possibly afford to pay out of pocket.

To solve this problem, a personal injury attorney reaches out to medical providers with a letter of protection. This letter guarantees payment when the case is resolved, so these providers charge no upfront fees. Moreover, an experienced lawyer can direct victims to doctors and care facilities which focus on these types of injuries. So, victims get the best possible care at the lowest possible cost.

Understanding the Effects of Whiplash in Minnesota

Neck injuries are peculiar injuries. Because they are soft tissue injuries, they may not show up on X-rays and other common diagnostic tools. So, many doctors do not diagnose whiplash. Some even consider it to be a phantom illness.

But whiplash is very real, and it’s very common in Minnesota car accidents. In high or moderate-speed collisions, G-forces suddenly and violently move victims’ heads forwards or at other odd angles. Their heads then snap back against the vehicle head restraints. That motion places extreme stress on the cervical spine, causing symptoms like:

Neck pain,
Reduced range of motion in the neck,
Upper back pain, and
Numbness that begins in the neck and radiates down the arms.

Further complicating the medical diagnosis problems, these symptoms, and others like them,  often come and go. So, even if patients feel fine their whiplash may remain, and it’s only a matter of time before symptoms reappear.

Moreover, there is no surgical or medicinal cure for whiplash. Extensive and targeted physical therapy is the only known treatment. That’s why it is so important to work with medical professionals who fully understand the medical and physical nuances of whiplash.

Other Car Crash Injuries in Minnesota

In addition to neck injuries, the massive forces involved in Minneapolis car wrecks often cause a wide range of other injuries, including:

Broken Bones: These injuries often require months to heal and months of physical rehabilitation to regain lost function. The bones are so badly broken that doctors often use metal screws, plates, or pins to set the bones during emergency surgery.

Internal Injuries: The same forces that cause whiplash also cause internal organs to grind and bump against each other. This bleeding sometimes goes undetected for several hours, because doctors and emergency responders are understandably focused on external trauma injuries.

Exsanguination: Between the external and internal injuries, victims are often on the verge of hypovolemic shock by the time they receive treatment.

In addition to medical bills and other economic damages, Minneapolis car crash victims are also entitled to money for loss of enjoyment in life, pain and suffering, loss of consortium (companionship), emotional distress, and other noneconomic damages.

Work With an Aggressive Attorney

Neck injuries are difficult to identify and difficult to treat. For a free consultation with an experienced personal injury lawyer in Minnesota, contact McEwen & Kestner, Minneapolis Car Accident Lawyers.

McEwen & Kestner, Minneapolis Car Accident LawyersHas Helped Victims and Their Families for Years
Car Accident Lawyer MN
MN Fatal Car Accident Attorney
The Perils Of Pedestrian Accidents In Minnesota

In 2019, and improving economy put more cars on the road. At the same time, more people walked to their destinations, for various reasons. This combination helped drive pedestrian fatalities to their highest level in twenty years. In other words, it is very dangerous to cross the street even if you stop and look both ways.

In response to this sudden uptick, many cities in Minnesota and elsewhere have announced ambitious goals to reduce or eliminate such fatalities. But talk is easy and action is hard. For example, longer red lights would give slow-moving pedestrians more time to cross busy intersections. But the resulting traffic congestion would most likely irk motorists, and many of these people would be very vocal in their opposition.

So, for the most part, it’s up to Minneapolis personal injury attorneys to stand in the gap. Victims deserve justice and compensation. Typically, there’s only one way to get these things.

Some Specific Causes of Minnesota Pedestrian Accidents

Speed is one of the leading causes of pedestrian-auto accidents, and there are some other specific causes that bear mentioning as well.

Most pedestrian-auto collisions occur outside marked crosswalks on major urban streets or semi-rural highways. So, the tortfeasor (negligent driver) is often traveling at or near full speed at the moment of impact.

Because Minneapolis pedestrians are completely exposed to danger in these cases, velocity has a profound impact on injury severity. At impact speeds of 30mph, the fatality rate is only about 10 percent. But the fatality rate skyrockets to 90 percent at impact speeds of 50mph.

Distraction is a serious problem as well. Small and slow-moving pedestrians often do not draw driver attention away from their smartphones or other distractions. The fact that many drivers do not maintain an active lookout for pedestrians compounds this issue.
Alcohol is often a factor as well. This depressant impairs both judgement and motor skills, so Minnesotans who drink should never drive.

Available Legal Theories in Minneapolis

Negligence is basically a lack of ordinary care. For noncommercial drivers, that usually means reasonable care. But truck drivers, Uber drivers, taxi drivers, and other commercial operators have a higher duty of care in Minnesota. So, it is easier to establish negligence based on something like surfing the web on a cellphone while driving. Such conduct is clearly negligent but not technically illegal in Minnesota.

If the tortfeasor does violate the cellphone law or any other safety law, such as speeding or DUI, the negligence per se shortcut usually applies. In these cases, victim/plaintiffs must only establish that the tortfeasor’s safety law infraction substantially caused the car crash.
Damages Available in Minneapolis

In serious injury cases, medical bills alone often exceed $100,000. Furthermore, the pain and suffering these victims must endure is almost unendurable. Minnesota law provides financial compensation for both economic and noneconomic damages.

But perhaps the more important damages have no attached dollar sign. Legal claims provide some measure of emotional closure for victims. Such closure is often necessary to speed their physical recoveries, so they can get on with their lives.

Additional punitive damages may be available as well. There must be clear and convincing evidence that the tortfeasor intentionally disregarded a known risk and therefore put other people in serious danger.

Auto Accident Lawyer Minneapolis
Personal Injury Lawyer Minneapolis
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