Richmond Radio Shopping Show Survey
The pandemic is causing everyone to adapt to a new lifestyle.  For a senior, for a millennial, for a family, you have to scrutinize your actions to protect you, your family, and those around you.  But, you still need to have some type of normalcy in your life!

Boomtown Richmond and the Radio Shopping Show want to make sure our offerings are what you want and need, NOW.  To do that, we need to get to know you a little better.  Attached below is a short survey to help us help you.  It will also guide us in attracting new businesses to partner with.  For completing the survey, we will give you a $10 gift card from the Radio Shopping Show and be included in a drawing for a Radio Shopping Show weekend getaway!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
How old are you? *
Gender? *
Race and/or Ethnicity *
Household Income Range? *
What city do you live in? *
Marital Status *
Employment Status *
If you are a Student, what is your major?
Has COVID-19 significantly impacted your life? And if so, in what ways? *
What resources have helped you, so far, navigate these difficult times? *
Has COVID-19 altered the way that you spend your free time? (i.e. Instead of going to the public movie theatre, you now prefer to stream movies and television shows at home)
How likely are you to support local businesses during COVID-19? *
Highly unlikely
Extremely likely
Are you a member of the Radio Shopping Show? *
If you are a member of the Radio Shopping Show, why did you join? If you are not a member, why haven't you joined? *
If/When you listen to the Radio Shopping Show, would you be more likely to listen from 10am-12pm? Or 5pm-7pm? *
What types of merchants would you like to see added or featured on the Radio Shopping Show? (Restaurants, Services, Recreation, etc)
If you are a member of the Radio Shopping Show, how often do you buy gift certificates?
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How did you hear about the Radio Shopping Show?
Did you know that you could shop with the Radio Shopping Show online at *
Are there any other changes to the Radio Shopping Show you would like to see?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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