Next Great Read
This is a service that allows you to directly contact library staff to get personalized book recommendations. By telling us what you love or hate, we’ll pick out up to five books just for you. All readers of varying ages, preferences, and tastes are welcomed and encouraged to request recommendations.

You are free to fill out this form with as much or as little information as you would like. However, more detailed responses will help librarians select materials for you. Please fill out a separate request for each individual reader in the house.

You should receive a hold pickup notice for physical items or an email with digital recommendations within 5 business days.

If a condition or situation prevents you from visiting a library location, choose Bookmobile as your pick-up location for contactless home delivery. Details here:

If you have a child in the house and would like a stack of books on a subject, use this form
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First and last name *
Library card number *
Library card number will start with the prefix numbers 212- or 312-. Students may have a card for online resources that starts with 412-.
How old are you? *
Which library would you like to pick your holds up at? *
If a condition or situation prevents you from visiting a library location, choose Bookmobile as your pick-up location for contactless home delivery. Details here:
I am primarily interested in: *
Preferred format(s): *
Please list three to five books and/or authors you like and what made them great? *
Please list three to five books and/or authors you don't like and what made you not enjoy them? *
Is there anything else you'd like to tell us about your interests, demographics, or reading tastes that you think will aid us in selecting books? Please provide an explanation if it would be helpful. This response is not required.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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