Contact Form
Thank you for joining me for back-to-school night! I am excited to work with your student this year. 

Your involvement in the education of your student is critical. Please let me know how you would like me to contact you about class activities, missing assignments, and the academic growth of your student.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your Name *
Your Student's Name *
Email Address *
Email is how I would prefer to contact you. The email addresses the school has on file are frequently out of date. Please provide me with the address you check most frequently.
Would you like to receive updates from Google Classroom? *
I use Google Classroom to assign and receive homework assignments. Google Classroom offers a "guardian" feature that will provide periodic updates on the progress of your student including upcoming assignments, missing work, and returned work. These updates will be sent to the email address you entered above.
Phone Number
Leave this question blank if you do not want to be contacted by phone.
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What would you like me to know about your student?
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