Business Mentorship Application
The more information you give on this form, the more I will be able to help you.
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Email *
What's your name? *
Tell me about your business.  What do you do/want to do?   *
How long have you had your business?  Are you in it full time or part time? *
What is your current income and what is your income goal? *
What platforms do you market yourself on (IG, Facebook, Pinterest, Emails, etc)? *
List all of your offers, if they are passive or hands off, and their pricing. *
If you are currently running your business does it feel overwhelming at the moment?  And if so, why?
Have you ever gone through a launch process?  If so, describe your experience with it to me.
What struggles are you currently facing that inspired you to reach out to Estelle (Estelle specifically)?  List them in order of greatest need to least. *
What would have to happen for our time together to be a success? *
What are some goals that you'd like to accomplish within the next 3-6 months? *
What is keeping you from accomplishing these things on your own? *
Do you have any concerns about moving forward? If so, what are they?
Have you ever worked with a business coach or mentor before?  If so, what was that like? *
On a scale of 1-10, how ready are you to invest into your business and future? *
What made you choose this number? *
Is there anything else you think I should know?
What questions do you have for me that you want answered in my response email?
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