Student Membership Application
The Indigenous Society of Architecture, Planning and Design (ISAPD) is an organization focused on increasing international knowledge, consciousness, and appreciation of Indigenous architecture, planning, and design, inclusive of landscape architecture and environmental design, in academia and the professional realm. ISAPD works toward fundamentally supporting and increasing the representation of American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, First Nations, Aboriginal Australians, Māori, and other Indigenous Scholars and Peoples in these fields.

The name of this organization is the “Indigenous Society of Architecture, Planning and Design”. The acronym is “ISAPD.”

Individual members of the Indigenous Society of Architecture, Planning and Design are considered “Indigenous Scholars of Architecture, Planning and Design.”

Membership is Free.

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Name *
Membership Type: 

Full members are full-time students with a commitment to Indigenous architecture and planning who are enrolled in an academic institution with an accredited Architecture,
Landscape Architecture, Planning, or Environmental Design program. Full members must have a tribal affiliation. Full members are eligible to serve as Chairs and be in the Governing Council of their chapter.

Associate members are full-time students with a commitment to Indigenous architecture, planning, and design who are enrolled in any other program at an academic institution.  Associate members must have a tribal affiliation.

Agent members are part-time students with a commitment to Indigenous architecture, planning, and design who are enrolled in any program at an academic institution. Agent members must have a tribal affiliation.

Fellow members are full-time or part-time students enrolled in the academic institution who have a commitment to Indigenous architecture, planning, and design. Fellow members do not have a tribal affiliation.
Tribal Affiliation (If Applicable) *
Academic Institution

Which academic institution are you currently attending?

Which educational degree are you currently working toward?

Please indicate the major in "Other". Example: MArch, BS Arch, etc.
Which ISAPD Chapter are you affiliated with? (If Applicable)

Student chapters are designated as the “Indigenous Society of Architecture, Planning and Design at [Academic Institution Name],” utilizing the acronym “ISAPD [Academic Institution
Name]” e.g. ISAPD University of Colorado. 

ISAPD members do not need to be affiliated with a chapter to be a member. 
ISAPD Regions

The 15 ISAPD Regions are established with consideration for geography, climate, and biome communities. 

ISAPD Regions are based on regions established by RESOLVE, an organization that envisions a less polarized world with a shared commitment to transforming ambitious ideas into real benefits for people, communities, and ecosystems.

Read more about RESOLVE here:

ISAPD members, student chapters, and professional chapters are united under ISAPD and are further affiliated with an ISAPD region based on their current location, past location, or interest.

Members can be affiliated with more than one region. Chapters are affiliated with the region the academic institution is located in. Members and chapters are affiliated with regions to share and upbuild geographic and cultural knowledge related to building and constructing within the specific natural regions. 

Find out which “Biome” region you are located in here: 
As an Indigenous Society of Architecture, Planning, and Design member, I will support the aims and objectives of the Indigenous Society of Architecture, Planning, and Design, and better myself and my community through respectful and productive efforts. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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