Veterans Day Parade Application Form
Thank you for your interest in participating in the 2024 Maricopa Veterans Day Parade!
PARADE DATE: Saturday, November 9, 2024.

Please read the parade rules below and fill out the application form below.
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Maricopa Parade Rules and Regulations
1. All Drivers must provide a valid proof of liability insurance with registration form.
2. All drivers operating any vehicles must be at least 18 years of age and possess a valid driver license during parade.
3. Drivers shall have a clear field of vision that encompasses 180 degrees and provides a view in front and to each side of the vehicle.
4. The towing vehicle shall have a functioning horn and brakes that are in good working order.
5. Towed floats shall have safety chains attached to the towing vehicle.
6. Parade floats shall maintain a 30-foot interval between other entries in front of them with speed not faster than 5mph.
7. All sitting float riders shall remain seated.
8. Standing float riders shall have body support and firmly grasp hand holds and rails.
9. No person shall jump off or onto a moving float.
10. Float riders shall not throw any items to spectators.
11. Any giveaway items (i.e. candy, flags, stickers) may be distributed to spectators by hand from parade participants walking alongside the parade vehicles or other parade units.
12. No Flyers or promotional materials are to be distributed along the parade route.  
13. Float riders shall not spray water or other fluids at spectators.
14. All materials used on entries must be flame retardant.
15. Entries will be subject to inspection by Fire Department.
16. Smoking is prohibited in staging area and during participation in the parade route.
17. Alcohol consumption prior to and during participation in the parade is prohibited.
18. Firearms and weapons are prohibited.
19. Parade participants are responsible to pick up their own debris.
20. Use of animals in the Veterans Day Parade must be pre-approved. All pre-approved horse or pony entrants are required to diaper their horses. Horses or ponies MUST be diapered, and you may have a pooper scooper in addition to diapers. You are required to clean up after your animals.
21. Parade participants shall put safety first at all times for themselves and spectators.
22. Parade entries will be reviewed at the staging point prior to the parade. Units that are deemed inappropriate, offensive, or un-safe will be removed from the parade. An accurate parade entry application description that is consistent with your final parade entry is expected.
23.  Parade participants MUST walk or drive vehicles only in the direction of the parade route. Participants are not allowed to drive or walk against the flow of the parade traffic direction. 
Agreement *
Type of Parade Entry (select one) *
Please provide a brief description of your entry.  *
How many in your entry? (vehicles, walkers, horses, etc.) *
If there are Veterans participating in your entry, please give an approximate count.
Will your entry have music? *
Parade Entry Name *
Contact Person *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip *
Contact Phone Number *
Contact Email Address *

MESSAGE TO VETERANS - Provide a message of appreciation to our Veterans to be read at announcements. (please refrain from specific business promotions)

PRESS RELEASE - I (we) give permission to take and use photographs, video, and any other representations of parade entry for promotional purposes of the Veteran's Day Parade.
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 I (we) hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless to any and all parties including the City of Maricopa from any loss, damage of property or injury resulting from participation of my (our) entry in this event and covenant not to file suit against any of them.

This Release applies to any loss I (we) may have arising from my participation in the event, including, but not limited to, personal injury or damage suffered by me (us) or others, conditions of the premises chosen for the event, risks not known to me (us) or not foreseeable.

 I (we) voluntarily assume full and complete responsibility.

Waiver Acknowledgement (type your name for signature) *
Thank you!
QUESTIONS? Please email
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