A Sky Inside Professional Organizing
This brief questionnaire will help clarify the most effective way for us to work together.
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What is your first and last name? *
Tell me a little about your project. *
How does your space make you feel? *
How would you like to feel in your space? *
Is the motivation to clear your space coming from inside you? Or do you have a partner or roommate encouraging you? Or both? *
Have there been times in the past when you felt organized and had a clear space? If so, when? *
How long have you been thinking about starting this project? *
Are you a collector? Do you have one or more collections you regularly add to? *
Does nostalgia hold you back from getting rid of some of your possessions? *
Do you have piles of items on household surfaces or on the floor? *
How much time each day do you spend looking for things? *
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