BodegaBudget Pre-Play Survey
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Full Name *
Email *
What is your current year of high school? *
What are your plans after high school? *
Congratulations!!! You have won a cash prize of ONE MILLION DOLLARS! You have two payment options. Which option would you choose? *
What would you do with the $1,000,000 once you receive it? *
What is the role of a bank? *
Do you have a bank account, and if so, where? *
Do you know what the stock market is? *
If given money to invest, what would you invest in? *
What do you think is the importance of having a credit card? *
Do you know the function of a FICO/Credit score? *
You plan to take out a loan in order to buy a car. Given these 3 loan options, which one would you choose? *
What is the deadline to file your income tax return? *
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