Humanities Extension Program: Teacher Interest Form
Connect your students and teachers with the world-class faculty from the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at NC State. We invite you to host our scholars to share their expertise and enrich your students’ educational experience.

Through our free Humanities Extension Program, our college experts can provide presentations about their work in person or online with students in grades K-12. The program also aims to foster students’ understanding of how the humanities and social sciences help them develop the creative and critical thinking skills they’ll need to be successful now and in the future.

Please use this form to request a presentation. We’ll connect you with one of our faculty members and help coordinate a mutually agreed-upon schedule for the presentation. If you have questions, please contact Joyce Jones Christian ( in the college’s research office.
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Phone Number:
School Name:
School Address:
School County:
Type of School:
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School Calendar Cycle:
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Topics of Interest
What are some specific topics that would you like a faculty member to talk about? These can be connected to lesson plans or curriculum, such as the American Civil War, Native American literature, culture and globalization, etc. NOTE: Career and science fairs or topics such as leadership are not the best fit for the purposes of this program.
Desired subject area of presentation (Check all that apply):
Grade Level of Audience:
Size of Audience:
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Between what dates your class would be available for a visit.
NOTE: Please choose a date range that is at least 30 days from now to assist with scheduling visits.
Time Frame for Visit (Start Date)
Time Frame for Visit (End Date)
General days and times your class would be available for a visit. (e.g. Wednesdays and Fridays, 12-1:30 p.m.)
Other comments or needs:
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