OUT in Front Conference RSVP

OUT in Front LGBTQI and Ally Student Leadership Conference is a hybrid conference wherein student leaders, graduate students, staff, faculty, and organizations have the chance to meet and network with peers from across the United States to share resources, develop leadership skills, and foster a strong community of LGBTQ2S+ and allied leaders. The theme for 2023 is Roots of Resilience: Community Care in the Queer South. The mission of OUT in Front is to engage students, faculty, and staff from across the region in issues relevant to the LGBTQ2S+ community and society at large through an all-day conference event with a guest keynote speaker, Taylor Alxndr from Southern Fried Queer Pride.

Join us in-person or online! Find out more at: https://www.vanderbilt.edu/lgbtqi/calendar/annual-events/2023-out-in-front-conference 

Please submit RSVP by 3PM on Wednesday, February 22nd.

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Name of university, institution, organization, etc. *
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Are you attending:  *
Do you have any needs that require accommodations?
If attending in-person, do you have any dietary restrictions? 
If attending in-person, please let us know your unisex t-shirt size:
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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