Livestream Service Feedback Questionnaire
Livestream Service Feedback Questionnaire
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Livestream Service Quality

Thank you for your feedback! Your input is valuable to us and will help us improve our services for future events.

Overall Satisfaction

How satisfied were you with the overall livestream service provided?

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Video Quality:

How would you rate the quality of the video stream (clarity, resolution, frame rate)?

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Did you experience any interruptions or technical issues during the livestream?

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How easy was it for viewers to access the livestream?

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Production Quality

Camera Angles:

Were the camera angles and coverage of the event adequate?

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Graphics and Overlays:

How would you rate the quality and relevance of the on-screen graphics and overlays (e.g., scores, fighter stats)?

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How satisfied were you with the quality and knowledge of the commentary team?

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Customer Service

Pre-Event Communication:

How would you rate the communication and support provided before the event?

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On-Site Support:

How would you rate the support provided on-site during the event?

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Post-Event Follow-Up:

How satisfied were you with the follow-up and support provided after the event?

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Overall Experience

Value for Money:

How would you rate the value for money of the livestream service?

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Likelihood to Recommend:

How likely are you to recommend our livestream service to others?

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Additional Comments:

Please provide any additional comments or suggestions to help us improve our service. Thank you for your feedback! Your input is valuable to us and will help us improve our services for future events.

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