This is an environmental justice issue. The biomass incinerator proposed by Palmer Renewable Energy (PRE) is a 35-megawatt wood-burning power plant that would have devastating effects on a population with some of the highest rates of respiratory illness in the nation. Communities within two miles of the proposed biomass incinerator meet the state’s definition of environmental justice populations based on income, race, and language isolation.
Burning biomass creates pollutants and particulates. Living near the proposed incinerator will bring higher risks for asthma, heart disease, cancer, and other conditions. Burning biomass could increase the risk of complications and death from COVID-19 and other respiratory issues for people already at risk.
Join us in making calls about the biomass language in the Climate Roadmap Bill, which is now in a Conference Committee of the MA state legislature.  The bill includes language that lists biomass power plants as “non-carbon emitting” sources of energy, which is untrue and would pave the way for Palmer Renewable to build a 42-megawatt, $150 million wood-burning power plant in East Springfield. This would further pollute the air in an economically distressed community.

We need to remove this language to stop Palmer from acquiring necessary markets that will make breaking ground on the biomass plant possible!
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