Kim Law Official Street Team
The Kim Law street team is for hard core fans who just can't stop talking about her stories. The purpose behind a street team is to unify Kim's biggest readers to not only chat about Kim's books, and books in general, but to come up with fresh new ways of spreading the word about her books. Street team members help spread the word by telling family and friends (Something you likely already do if you're here!), sharing new releases via their social network accounts, and dropping off bookmarks to libraries, bookstores, and any reader they come across.

***All required fields must be answered to be considered for street team membership. ***

After submitting the form you'll be directed to the Facebook group where you can request membership. We really encourage everyone to subscribe to the street team newsletter. In subscribing you are automatically entered into street team newsletter giveaways (separate from the Kim Law newsletter) and see exclusive content that is nowhere else, but this is not a requirement. If you prefer to be in the Facebook group only, that works too! We still do giveaways within the group and share content for you to share with others.

DISCLAIMER: Kim Law will never disclose your personal information to third parties. This information is strictly for the purposes of street team membership.
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Which Turtle Island stories have you read? *
Which Davenport stories have you read? *
Which Holly Hills stories have you read? *
Which Montana Wildes stories have you read? *
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