Playing in the Park CCO 2023
Counterpoint is going to have informal rehearsals (2-3 pm) followed by a mini concert (3-4 pm) on Sundays this summer in Allan Gardens. Please let us know your availability, if you are able to transport stuff, and if you have a solo/small ensemble that can perform.

Wind Players may play one of the string parts. We just want to make music and have fun!

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Your email address
Your name *
What instrument do you play? *
Phone number (in case we need to get hold of you)
What date(s) are you available? (all Sundays) *
Do you have a solo piece/small ensemble that can perform? If so, list solo/ensemble type, repertoire, and length of piece(s).
What date(s) are your solo/ensemble group available? 
Let us know if you have any other questions! 
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