I/We hereby expresses my/our commitment to the Virginia VOAD and is in accord with its purposes and plan of organization. As a VOAD member, I/we will seek to coordinate our resources with Member and Partner VOAD organizations in planning for and responding to disasters. Authorized Representative: please put your name below. *
Your answer
Organization Address: *
Your answer
Organizations Web Address (put NA if none): *
Your answer
Primary Contact Name: *
Your answer
Primary Contact address: *
Your answer
Primary/Best Contact Number: *
Your answer
Primary Contact Email: *
Your answer
Secondary Contact Name:
Your answer
Secondary Contact Address:
Your answer
Secondary Contact Number:
Your answer
Secondary Contact Email:
Your answer
What geographic area is covered by your organization? *
Your answer
Please provide your organizations mission statement (NA if none): *
Your answer
Please select all areas that reflect the focus of your services and any not listed. Please label your capabilities as one of the following: Primary: (can serve as a lead agency for these services), Secondary: (can provide some capability to do these services) & Tertiary: (could provide untrained volunteers to help with these services) *
Special Populations Services (Please Specify)/Disabled Transportation,Sign Language,Functional Disabilities
Spontaneous Volunteer Management
Support Groups
Tool Trailers*
Volunteer Housing
Warehouse Management
Water Purification
Please specify any important details of your service - related costs, number you can provide, etc. *
Your answer
If your organization does not have a specific mission to assist disaster victims but you want to help, what resources (volunteers, supplies, etc.) could you provide? Indicate below. *
Your answer
Services Provided (please be as specific as possible in describing the services you can provide. For example, Transportation represents a wide variety of capabilities, “transporting individuals to local appointment or activities” gives a much more accurate picture of the capability). *
Your answer
Special Capabilities (be as specific as possible in describing special equipment in terms of capabilities they represent. For example “mass feeding trailer capable of supporting 50 persons”). *
Your answer
Resources are available: *
Please list what counties/cities you can provide services too.
Your answer
How quickly can you mobilize these resources and personnel? *