Youthopia Club
Youthopia is a club being piloted in Addis Ababa University under Unilever. Youthopia gives the youth a platform where they can explore their health and creates a place where they can self-groom themselves so they can “feel good, look good and get more out of life” as well as, exercise on how to be confident, outspoken and more outgoing, so that they be ready and equipped with soft skills like real-life leadership experience, actual project management works, public speaking, work-life balance, negotiation and communication skill as well as, have vast network with different companies once they finish their university life. In the end, this will differentiate them, make them outshine and be more demanded when they finish their university stay and join the employment market or initiate an entrepreneurial mindset even more so than they have now. We believe the youth is the key to solve Ethiopia's and worldwide problems with creativity and agility.
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Requirements to join
* Current Undergraduate of AAU
* Interested in activating Leadership, Youth empowerment, and healthy lifestyle
* Willing enough to pass  through the recruitment process
* Interested in impacting the community

Questions to be answered
Dear applicants, make sure to answer all  the questions listed below kindly.
Full Name *
Sex *
Phone Number *
Current Campus in AAU? *
Field of Study *
Have You ever participated in any other extracurricular activities before (clubs, volunteering, internship...)? If Yes, Where and What did you do there? If No, Why? *
What do you hope to get out of Youthopia club?
What are your expectations from Youthopia club?
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