Sailing Angels 2024
Description: Matches and Families are invited to learn about sailing and sailing safety, and then enjoy a sailing adventure! The sailing is about two to two and a half hours long. The first half hour is spent getting to know the crew and sailing safety, and when you leave the dock, Littles help steer the boat as you motor out to open water. Littles will learn knot-tying, navigation and piloting of the sailboat along the way. Once the sails are raised, Littles can take the helm and steer the boat! 
The Sailing Angels Foundation is a charitable organization comprised of experienced volunteer sailors based out of Kemah. The volunteers donate their time and resources to serve the interest of youth in the Greater Houston area, and provide this service free to BBBS Matches and Families.
Date: You will select your day (during the week or weekends) when you register directly with Sailing Angels with the link on the confirmation page. 
Time: Be at the dock by about 9:30am for pre-boarding safety training; the boat departs at 10am.
Location: The boat departs from a marina in Kemah. Exact location will be delivered with confirmation.
Note: Everyone will be required to wear a life preserver. 

REGISTRATION: Please fill out the form below. After you have completed this form, you will receive a notice with a link for you to directly register for Sailing Angels. 
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Email *
Who is signing up for the the event? *
Your First and Last Name (if you are Big Couple or Big Family, please include all names of each person in the couple or family that are attending) *
Your Little/Mentee/Child's First and Last Name *
Your Little/Mentee/Child's Grade Level *
How many people, including you, will be sailing? *
Your Phone Number *
Your Email Address *
Sailing Angels sail every day of the week and on weekends. You will need to be at the dock by 9:30am to go over the pre-sail safety training, and the boat leaves at 10am. The entire trip is about two to two and a half hours. If you sign up, you MUST show up. By signing up, you agree that your name, email and phone number can be shared with Captain Dave of Sailings Angels.  *
Thank you for registering! Please see the confirmation page after you  them here or notify Janis Doty at as soon as possible. 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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