Time Station Time Change Request
HQ will do a Time Station check-in correction for those who check into a time station incorrectly.
While you can enter TS time change requests at any time, day or night, we normally only process them during the day. Please continue doing your Time Station check-ins regardless of change requests being processed. The system will update as needed. All change requests will be verified against your tracking device.
If you missed a TS entry completely you will check in twice (once for the TS you missed and once for the one you are at)
and use this form for us to fix the missed TS time in the system.
It is expected that you will not need to use this form often during the race. Please check the results board as we often catch mistakes before you submit a form. You are expected to do your check-ins in a timely manner. Overuse due to lack of attention to TS check-ins can and will result in a penalty.