Sodium Framework Survey
Thank you for your interested in sodium reduction. Please consider providing some comments below to help improve the framework over time.
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On a scale of 1 to 5 (where 5 is excellent) please rate the usefulness of this framework for developing or revising a national sodium reduction program
On a scale of 1 to 5 (where 5 is excellent) please rate the usefulness of this framework for monitoring and evaluating a national sodium reduction program
How can the framework be improved?
Are there additional resources that would be helpful to include (e.g., toolkits, scientific literature, implementation guides)? Please provide a link and indicate where in the framework it is best placed (you can also email relevant documents to Nora Abdel-Gawad at
Are there best practice examples of successfully implementing sodium reduction policies – either sodium-specific policies or broader policies that incorporate sodium (e.g., front-of-pack labeling) that would be helpful to include? Please provide link or PDF and indicate where in the framework it is best placed.
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