Crime and Fire Statistic Reporting Form
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Email *
Today's Date *
Your Contact Information (Person/CSA Submitting Form)
Your Name: *
Your Email: *
Your Phone Number: *
Date Incident Occurred:
Time Incident Occurred:
Was the incident reported to Southeastern Louisiana University Police Department or other local law enforcement?
Clear selection
Does the victim want the incident reported to law enforcement?
Clear selection
Victim's Contact Information:
The below information is based on the VICTIM who reported the incident to you.
Reported by: *
First Name (optional):
Last Name (optional):
Phone Number (optional):
Email Address (optional):
If a third party reported the crime to you, please enter the relationship of the third party to the victim:
Incident Information:
The below information is related to the details of the reported incident.
What best describes the location of the crime? (If the crime occurred in multiple places, check all that apply.)
Incident Description (Please provide specific, detailed information):
Please select offense that occurred:
NOTE: The following crimes are only required to be reported if the crime was motivated by bias (hate crime).
Is there any evidence that this crime was  motivated by bias?
Clear selection
If yes, please choose any/all categories of bias that apply.
If you answered yes to the "Motivated by Bias" question, please provide a brief summary of the evidence supporting a bias motivation.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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This form was created inside of Southeastern Louisiana University. Report Abuse