ELL Arts Education Resources (Educator Survey)
Thank you for your participation in Sonoma County Arts Education Alliance's (AEA) Survey. This survey is intended for educators who serve English/Multi-Language Learners. Below you will find questions in the areas of “content” and “training” as it relates to arts education/integration. Your responses will help guide AEA's approach in collecting/distributing local and national arts resources/training for greater access and depth of knowledge at your educational site.

All survey responses will be used for internal reflection and displayed as whole participant data.

Thank you for your honest and transparent responses as you help in guiding the AEA to best serve educators and our ELL/MLL students using the power of the arts!
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Full Name (Write in below)
Email (Write in below)
What grade level do you teach (Write in below)
What school/educational site do you teach at? (Write in below)
What specific Arts Disciplines are you interested in using in your classroom? (Select All That Apply)
Of the arts disciplines indicated in your previous response: Are you comfortable/familiar with this/these Arts Disciplines? (Select One)
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What Subject Areas might you be interested in integrating with the arts? (Select All That Apply)
If interested in integrating a subject area not listed please write that answer here:
Do you already integrate the arts into instruction in your classroom? (Select One)
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Do you have the support of an arts educator/organization working with you or your students?
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If Yes... Select all that apply.
Can you imagine how integrating arts into the English Language Development (ELD) curriculum could encourage students to collaborate, interpret, and produce their knowledge and understanding? (Select One)
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How do you rate your willingness to incorporate the arts into your teaching practice? (Select One)
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On a scale of 1-10 pleas rate your comfortability/familiarity with using arts integration in your classroom?
Not comfortable/familiar
100% comfortable/familiar
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How familiar are you with the Visual and Performing Arts Standards, revised in 2019? (Dance, Media Arts, Music, Visual, Theatre) (Select All the Apply)
How do you prefer to receive training? (Select All That Apply)
What previously experienced and/or anticipated obstacles/barriers can you foresee in pursuing arts integration within your classroom?
Other comments/suggestions that you would like to share regarding arts education for ELL/MLL students.
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