Teacher Registration: 2024 Bellevue Youth Choral Festival
March 22, 2024
Bellevue South Stake Center
15205 SE 28th ST, Bellevue
(This is an annex to the LDS church)
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Hello Directors: What is your first and last name? *
What is your email? *
What is your cell phone (in case we need to contact you on the day of the event) *
What is the name of your school/home school? *
“Video and Photography will be taken during the day and at the concert of this event. Participants acknowledge their photo or video may appear as part of event advertising and future event advertising. By participating in this event, you acknowledge your approval of photos and videos for this purpose” *
Each group will be joining the combined choir to close the show, but will also be given the opportunity to share a song or two on the evening show (any style, with or without piano).  This is NOT REQUIRED.  We simply wish to give you a platform to share music at a concert for friends and family.

We know that on this particular day you may be missing your entire Tenor section.  No worries!  
It may sound odd, but teachers...

YOU are invited to sing with the students during sectionals, mass rehearsals and even on the show.  

We understand this is NOT typical, but since barbershop has unique performance practices, vocal production and just intonation techniques, experiencing this type of singing from the risers is a profoundly faster pathway to learn over watching us from a distance. 

We have been doing these clinics for years, and teachers have a ball and learn a lot.  Plus, students rarely get to see you sing in a group setting as a fellow singer!
We will GIVE you and each member of your choir a T-shirt.  What uni-sex sizes should we order? Sizes available are small to 3 X.   When in doubt, order one size up.  

For example....
6: Medium  14: Large  3: X Large  1: 3X Large  24 Total. 
We will GIVE you and and your students a ticket to have a free lunch from food trucks that we have provided for you and your students, at no charge.  We want to build this time in so your students can mingle, you can chat with other directors, and have a happy, stress free day.

How many people do we need to feed from your school?  Please include yourself, chaperones, and students.
Directors, for our mass choir music, can you wiggle around voice parts to have roughly this ratio of parts.  

Yep... students will sing different voice part labels than our traditional SATB.

With our traditional 16 voice A Cappella / Chamber choir, most of us would use something like this:
4 Sopranos
4 Altos
4 Tenors
4 Basses

However, Barbershop choirs strive for a "cone" and works best with more bulk on the lower voice parts and much less of the higher parts.  That same 16 voice choir would be adjusted to:

1 barbershop tenor (Soprano)
3 barbershop baritones (Tenor with some low Altos)
5 barbershop leads (Alto with some of your Sopranos)
7 barbershop basses (Bass with some of your Tenors)

10% on the top part (Treble clef, stems up)
  -Barbershop tenor.  A few of your Sopranos.  Better to have too few than too many. 

20% on the third part down (Bass clef, stems up)
  -Barbershop baritone. Your super smart kids from Alto and Tenor. Remember, this is a difficult voice leading part with tri-tone jumps.

30% on the second part down (Treble clef, stems down)
  -Barbershop lead/melody.  All the other sopranos, altos and a few tenors. 

40% on the bottom part (Bass clef, stems down)
  -Barbershop bass.  All of your basses and most of your tenors.

It's a little weird at first, but it works!  To learn more, check out barbershop best practices AND barbershop voice parts.
We will GIVE you your mass chorus sheet music and part predominant learning tracks that we will legally purchase.  However, because of the arrangement we have made for these downloads, we need to know how many singers and what part they are singing using barbershop voicing, not SATB.

For example....
2 Tenors, 8 Leads, 5 Baritones, 12 Basses     27 Total.
<Optional response>  Directors: Do you have any questions / concerns / accommodations requested?
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