Economic Impact of Vacation Rentals
The purpose of this survey is to help vacation rental companies assemble data related to their region, so they can generate a Regional Economic Impact Study. Once completed, Hostfully will analyze the data and send a regionalized report on the economic impact of vacation rental travel in the region specified.

We understand that you may not have precise data to answer some of the questions. Please make your best guess, keeping in mind the local prices in your area. If your guesses come into question, we can help adjust your estimates by triangulating your data with public data on the cost of living in your area.

The quality of your Regional Economic Impact Study is dependent on the sample size of your data input. The key data point is the number of listings your company manages compared to the total in the region that you have defined.

Because of this, it is recommended that you distribute this survey to other vacation rental management companies in your region so that we can aggregate the data and increase the sample size compared to the total.

To do this, simply forward the link to other companies you want to participate, and make sure to tell them to enter the same region name that you did when filling out the survey. Please contact to let us know, so that we can update your Regional Impact Study with the enhanced data set.
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What is your Region Name?  This will be the Region mentioned in the headline of the study. *
How many properties do you manage in this region? *
What is the total number of vacation rentals in this region? *
In this region, what is the average nightly rate per rental (US$)? *
For your company, what is the average nightly rate per rental (US$)? *
For your company, what is the average annual occupancy rate (%)? *
For your company, what is the average number of guests per stay? *
For your company, what is the typical length of stay, in days? *
For your company, please estimate the number of purchases your guests make at the following local establishments: *
Coffee Place
Groceries Store
For your region, please estimate how much each guest spends on coffee per stay (US$)? *
For your region, please estimate how much each guest spends on groceries, per stay (US$) *
For your region, please estimate how much each guest spends on restaurants, per stay (US$) *
For your region, please estimate how much each guest spends on equipment rentals, per stay (US$) *
For your region, please estimate how much each guest spends on activities, per stay (US$) *
For your region, please estimate how much each guest spends on entertainment, per stay (US$) *
For your region, please estimate how much each guest spends on gas, per stay (US$) *
Please name 1-3 local businesses / organizations who benefit from vacation rental traveler spend and might be willing to talk about it publicly *
Local businesses rely on revenue from vacation rentals to sustain their business.  For your vacation rental company, which of the following types of businesses get 20% or more of their revenue from you? (Make your best guess) *
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