McGill -Toolen Dive Team 2024
Information about the Dive Team:

Training: All divers will need to join a club team (Port City is one local team).

Cost: $160 which covers the school athlete fee and team shirt

Gear: Divers should wear a solid black swim suit at meets.

Meets: TBA.  Most meets with be through the club team.  We will have a few HS meets, Sectional, and if qualify, State. State is usually the first weekend in December.

Please fill out the form to sign-up for the McGill-Toolen Dive Team.

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Email *
Athlete's First Name *
Athlete's Last Name *
Athlete's current grade-level (as of Apr 2023) *
If you are currently in middle school, what school are you attending?
Parent's name *
Parent e-mail address *
Are you currently diving on a club team? *
If yes, what club team and who is your coach?
T-shirt size: Please select a t-shirt size (all adult). *
Thank you for your interest in the McT dive team. You will receive a follow up e-mail with information about the program and how to join the team.
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