Cyclone Ambassador Registration Form
Weathermans are the most passionate members of our community who support Cyclone Blockchain in various ways aimed at promoting the ecosystem, from creating humor and art to videos and public presentations or secret lines of code. Our representatives play an important role in connecting our blockchain with both the real and virtual world! Whether you are an experienced Web3 enthusiast or just starting out, we welcome anyone who wants to learn and share their knowledge with others.

By joining our Program, you will get the chance to meet our internal teams, engage with like-minded blockchain and crypto experts. Join to help build new Web3 era and receive exclusive perk! 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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First Name
Last Name
Discord Username
Telegram or X(Twitter) Username
Why do you want to become an Cyclone Weatherman  (Ambassador)?

What can you bring to this role?
What's your Drive!? (passion, personal goal or interest)
How much time can you commit to the role? (Per day, per week)
What languages do you speak? (native, near native proficiency)
Do you have any event organising experience(s)? If yes, please list
Do you have any professional experience managing social media communities? (Please list, if any)
Are you currently involved in any other cryptocurrency or blockchain projects?
If yes (to the above), which one(s) and what is your role?
Are there any influential media outlets in your locality related to blockchain and cryptocurrency fields that are applicable to Cyclone (If yes, please list them)
Link here your short video. Tell us about yourself: Include your name, location, what you like about Cyclone, why you want to become an CYCL Weatherman, what you can bring to the role, and what you hope to achieve out of it.*
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