North Tyneside Art Studio Referral Form
North Tyneside Art Studio (NTAS)  uses art and creativity to improve the lives of people experiencing mental health issues.  The studio offers a safe space where people develop the confidence and resilience to try new things, learn new skills and form friendships and networks as part of a friendly and welcoming community.  

We work with individuals to agree goals and pathways that link art and creativity to improved mental health.

The Studio is available to people living in North Tyneside who are experiencing mental health problems and are often facing multiple disadvantages and social isolation.

PLEASE NOTE - While we endeavour to meet a wide variety of access needs, we do not provide dedicated 1-2-1 support and individuals need to be able to work independently, safely navigate the space and follow simple creative and safety directions, or be able to do so by attending with a dedicated support worker.

Please keep this in mind when referring individuals to our service. If you have any questions or concerns about whether an individual is suitable for referral to the studio, please contact us to discuss the individual's needs before completing this form.

To refer someone to NTAS we ask you to complete and sign this referral form on behalf of your patient/client. This form should only be completed by a health or social care professional (e.g GP, CPN, Social Worker) or by an approved partner, e.g Social Prescribing.  

New members will attend a short Induction session which provides them with an overview of the Studio’s Code of Conduct (set out by our Members) and a few health and safety guidelines. Our induction is followed by the first creative session as part of our New Starter Introductory programme.

We encourage all new members to take part in this 4 week creative programme. The programme enables new members to learn skills in a range of different artforms, become confident in art making and supports individuals in the initial stages of getting to know the studio and other members.

GDPR: The information you provide is for NTAS internal use only. We will not share this personal information with any other individuals, organisations or third parties.

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