This is a limited application process to join the Nodeifi Candy Shop (Private community). THERE IS NO PURCHASE NECESSARY IF ANYONE ASKS FOR FUNDS, PRIVATE KEYS OR ASKS YOU TO CONNECT TO A SITE IGNORE THEM!!
Please do not reshare this in groups without the owner/admin permission.
To learn about us check out our website: https://www.nodeifi.io/
Unlock access to our private group.
Surround yourself with experienced crypto investors and alpha hunters.
Get access to pre-IDO token deals for new blockchain projects.
Contribute to blockchain decentralization by owning a node or fractionalized pool shares in a node, of a wide variety of blockchain projects.
If accepted, you will be invited to the group to complete a trial period. At the conclusion of a successful trial period, you will be sent your Nodeifi membership NFT which will grant full membership into the community. You may gift or sell your NFT at any point after the trial; however, to remain in the group you must maintain at least One (1) Membership NFT. More details below:
1) The trial period will last anywhere from 1-3 months depending on observations and interactions from the community and team.
2) The Core team will vote as a group to give the member a fair opportunity for evaluation based on participation in the group, raises, accuracy of application and how they interact with the community.
3) After the trial period is completed, the member will receive their (1) NFT
The only two team members that will contact you on telegram are @alphanomicon and @nixinzim.
If accepted you will be manually added to the telegram group.