Rehome Toolkit for Shelters & Rescues

Looking for a local shelter or rescue? Search here.

If you're a pet owner or adopter please use our Rehome Help Center; then if needed contact Rehome using this form insteadDo not fill out the form below. You will not get a reply.
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Please complete this form if you work for an animal shelter or rescue and want to refer pet owners to Rehome. See Rehome referring FAQ for details.
What is your animal shelter or rescue organization's name? *
What is your organization's city & state? *
Does your organization have an Adopt a Pet account? (See links below.) *
Not sure if your shelter or rescue has an account? Search at 

No account? Your shelter or rescue may apply at 
Optional: If yes, type your account number,  which you can see at (it's the number inside all those links).
What is your first and last name, and your role/title at the organization? *
What is your email address? *
If you have questions about using Adopt a Pet as a shelter or rescue, please visit our shelter/rescue help center.
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