Media Buyer Matchmaking Form
We have over 5,000 media buying students in AdSkills now. They range from beginners to seasoned pros.

I am overly obsessed with placing great media buyers with great companies. If you need a great media buyer, fill out this form and I'll match you with someone that fits your needs - no cost, no tricks.

Start by telling us the best email address to send the intro's too...
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What's Your Name? *
What's Your Ad Spend Budget For Next 30 Days? *
What Experience Level Do You Want? *
Are You Looking For In-house or Virtual *
What Ad Networks Will You Want To Use? *
Choose up to THREE, don't get all crazy on the first date
What URL do you want to send traffic too? *
This helps us know if the offer is a match to what the media buyer has experience with
Briefly Describe Your Product/Business *
Please please please keep it to 1-2 sentences, you can go in-depth after the introductions
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