Intern Application Form
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Name *
Email *
Address *
Phone number *
Date of Birth *
When would you like to intern? Please keep in mind we currently are only able to accept interns from May through October. *
Please select a two week period. We would like to get an idea of when you will be at CRMPI, please note that  If you would like to explain your availability further please call: 970-456-3480 *
Any dietary restrictions? *
What are your interests? *
What are some things you're hoping to get out of your experience here? *
What permaculture, farming, gardening and other related experience do you have? It's okay if you don't have any! *
Why are you interested in interning with CRMPI? *
Have you volunteered or held an internship at CRMPI, or elsewhere, before? If so, where and how was your experience? *
What are your skills? *
Please list two to three references including first and last name and phone number *
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