TLL Ecosystem for SDG Advancements

Thank you for participating in this survey. As part of our mission to accelerate progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we are building a comprehensive ecosystem of innovators, experts, and decision-makers. 

Your responses will help us understand your role, expertise, and interests so we can effectively connect you with relevant projects, partners, and opportunities within the TLL community. 

This questionnaire has 6 sections and the completion time is between 5-7 minutes without rush.  

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First and Last Name *
Your LinkedIn profile *
  What is your current role?  
Which SDG(s) does your work primarily focus on? (Select all that apply)  
 What type of organization are you affiliated with?  
Company website (Yours or the one you represent)
  Where is your organization based?   (Country/Region)  
What is your level of decision-making authority?  
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