Subdomain request for
So you're an Olin College community member and you'd like a `` URL?  You've come to the right place! Fill out the data below, and someone will get back to you.
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Your Email Address *
Your Collaborator
If you have a collaborator, list their email address too. We'll contact this person if there's a issue with your site and we can't reach you.
Requested domain name *
E.g. “”.
CNAME target *
This is your web site URL, e.g. or The requested subdomain name (above) will point to this.
Describe your project *
Please include a short description of your project, suitable for publication on the home page (although we don't do that yet).
Relevant links
Please include any links related to your project that you'd like us to point people towards from the homepage - e.g. GitHub repo, project website.
Purpose *
What is this for? This helps us determine why people use this service.
What class/project team/club is this for? (if applicable)
Honor Code *
I have read and understand the terms at, and agree to abide by them.
Additional Comments
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