Negotiation & Fairness Worksheet
  Please complete and submit this Worksheet in order to successfully meet the requirements of this Topic.  
  Please be advised that your responses here will be confidential.  However, in order to assist in that effort, please follow the instructions below closely.  
  Also, be sure to click on the "SUBMIT" Button at the bottom of this Worksheet after you have completed all items, and before you exit this page so that your Response will be counted.
  Once you have completed this worksheet and submitted it, please be sure to clear this from your browser.
  Please respond to the following items Truthfully and Thoughtfully.

(Complete y envíe esta hoja de trabajo para cumplir con éxito los requisitos de este tema.
  Tenga en cuenta que sus respuestas aquí serán confidenciales. Sin embargo, para ayudar en ese esfuerzo, siga atentamente las instrucciones a continuación.  
  Además, asegúrese de hacer clic en el botón "ENVIAR" en la parte inferior de esta hoja de trabajo después de haber completado todos los elementos y antes de salir de esta página para que se cuente su respuesta.
  Una vez que haya completado esta hoja de trabajo y la haya enviado, asegúrese de borrarla de su navegador.
  Responda los siguientes elementos con veracidad y consideración.)

Worksheet Developed by Dr. Beverly (May 2020)
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Email *
Please type in the first 3 letters of your last name followed by the first 3 letters of your first name.  After this, type in the year you were born. *
Please list Today's Date (Feche), the Current Time, and the City where your Probation Office is: *
How often do you find yourself thinking, feeling and behaving in the following ways with your Partner: *
All the time
Having Empathy
Showing Empathy
Giving my partner an equal say in what is Fair
Being Respectful
Treating them as an Equal
Co-Creating a Win-Win Situation
Accepting Changes
Talking in a way that makes them feel Comfortable
Talking in a way that makes them feel Safe
Talking in a way that makes them feel like they can Disagree as much as they need to
Understanding how they Feel
Understanding what they are thinking
Being Respectful and Accepting of what they are doing even if we disagree
Listening to them non-judgmentally
Being emotionally affirming and understanding
Valuing their opinions.
Just being Nice
Trying to Listen MORE than Talking
In light of your responses about how you react to you Current Partner; how might it be different if you were handling some of these same things with an Ex-Partner? *
Why wouldn't I want to be nice or at least respectful when I am dealing with my Partner?   *
Why wouldn't I want to be nice or at least respectful when I am dealing with my Ex-Partner?   *
Have you ever felt like you won an argument with your partner only to realize later that you did not really win at all?
How Helpful is Learning about Negotiation and Fairness going to be for you in your efforts to prevent DV in your life? *
Not very helpful at all.
Very helpful.
How Negatively or Positively has this DV Treatment impacted your Life? *
A Lot More Negatively than Positively Impacted.
A Lot More Positively than Negatively Impacted
Please describe how helpful this exercise was for you?  In what ways might this show up in your life and relationships in the future? (Describa qué tan útil fue este ejercicio para usted. ¿De qué maneras podría aparecer esto en su vida y relaciones en el futuro?) *
Thank you for completing this form.  Be sure to click on the "SUBMIT" Button so that your work will be sent to
Dr. Beverly.  After submitting this form, click on the X at the top right corner of your screen.  Have a nice day?    (c. 2021, Dr. Beverly)

(Gracias por completar este formulario.  Asegúrese de hacer clic en el botón "ENVIAR" para que su trabajo sea enviado al Dr. Beverly.  Después de enviar este formulario, haga clic en la X en la esquina superior derecha de su pantalla.  ¿Que tengas un buen día? (c. 2021, Dr. Beverly))
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