Hello! Thank you for expressing interest - THIRD SHIFT is excited to share its 10-year anniversary with you! Each and every year we rely on our volunteers’ generosity to bring it all together - we could not do this without all of your help. You can learn more about THIRD SHIFT here:

Just a note: volunteering does ✨ not  mean being available for the full day! There is a space below for you to fill out your availability :-) You'll be contacted with your schedule and roles as soon as possible. Every volunteer will receive a swag bag to thank you for your participation!
Email *
Preferred full name: *
Pronouns: *
Phone Number: *
Email: *
Where are you located? (This event takes place in Uptown, Saint John) *
How old are you? *
What is your availability like Friday, August 16th? 
Do you have accessibility needs that you'd like THIRD SHIFT to be mindful of?  *
Here's a preview of what kind of roles and responsibilities we'll need a hand with!
🌙Set-Up: Help artists and/or THIRD SHIFT staff prepare an installation. Help set up and distribute info boards and required tech equipment to each location on our map!
🌙Tear Down: Help artists and/or THIRD SHIFT staff disassemble an installation. Collect info boards and return any equipment to the Hub!
🌙Site Attendant: Stationed at particular installations to make sure everything runs smoothly (bonus: learn about the artist and artwork to chat with the public!)
🌙Roamer: Check up on the outdoor installations, let the organizers know if something needs to be tended to.
🌙HUB Attendant: Merch sales, snacks and water runners for artists, on-call help.
🌙On-call: You're up for anything and ready for us to call you to lend a helping hand! :-)
This is your chance to elaborate on any extra skills you think we should know about!
All volunteers must attend the volunteer information session on Friday, August 9th at 7pm, via Zoom. Will you be in attendance? *
Please follow the link below to register for the information session! You will need to register if you're not attending so we can send you the recorded meeting.
All THIRD SHIFT volunteers must read and agree to our Code of Conduct, available here: *
Is there anything else you'd like to add?
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