Mentor Application for the UMD Mentor Program
The UMD Mentor Program partners professionals 1:1 with a UMD student for a year of mentoring. Mentors are matched with students  based on criteria including career path, experience, location, and more. Please note that completion of the application does not guarantee you will be partnered with a student this year. Applicants will be placed in the mentor pool and matched with a student based on the criteria included in the application. All applicants will receive further communication about the Mentor Program and the matching process via email from the Office Alumni Relations upon receipt of the mentor application.

Mentors and students are introduced each fall. The Mentor Program is scheduled to continue through the spring. How often and what form of communication mentors use to build their relationship with their student is determined by each mentor and student, allowing for maximum flexibility in the relationship.

Please visit for further information about the UMD Mentor Program, or contact the Office of Alumni Relations at or 218-726-7164.
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