Capital Area Business Breastfeeding Pledge
I pledge to provide a welcoming environment where breastfeeding mothers are able to sit anywhere and enjoy a welcoming attitude from staff, management and, to the fullest extent possible, other customers while breastfeeding.

I pledge to place a Breastfeeding window cling in full view of all who enter this business establishment.
Staff members are knowledgeable of how to handle complaints about breastfeeding. Staff and concerned customers will be informed that breastfeeding in public is protected by Michigan state law, Act No. 197, Public Acts of 2014, Breastfeeding Anti-Discrimination Act, and that this business welcomes breastfeeding patrons.

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Business Name *
Business Address *
Suite Number
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Business Phone *
Business Owner's Name *
E-mail address *
Web Site
How Many Breastfeeding Window Clings Would You Like? *
Please Sign the Pledge *
I agree to have my business or organization name, address, telephone, and website url listed on the Capital Area Breastfeeding Coalition website, as participating in the breastfeeding Welcome Here Campaign.
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