Youth Programme 2024 Expression of Interest
Castlebar Cycling Club are currently in the process of developing a youth  road cycling programme.  The programme will initially involve an introduction to road cycling skills (group riding and road bike handling) in a safe environment before we gradually progress them onto the road under the supervision of our experienced older riders and coaches. Places will be strictly limited.  This programme is aimed at both boys and girls who were born in 2010/2011/2012.  (**Due to interest we are now accepting expressions of interest from boys & girls in 1st and 2nd year of secondary school with the option of creating an additional group for this age range and level**)
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Email *
Your child's name *
Your child's date of birth *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent/Guardian Contact Number *
What type of bike does your child currently have? *
Does your child require the use of a club road bike? *
Can you describe your child's interest in cycling and what they may hope to get out of joining such a programme?  *
Is there any further information we need to know about your child to support them in this programme
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