2024 Application for Resources
All community gardens seeking to participate in the Marion Polk Food Share garden network should complete this application. A completed application is required before accessing resources from the network in 2024, regardless of a garden's status in previous years. This application is due by 3/15/2024.

The Marion Polk Food Share provides the following resources and opportunities free of charge to all member gardens:

* Annual coordinator training * compost * plant starts * seeds

Additionally, the Marion Polk Food Share provides the following supplementary resources to gardens that are significantly expanding their services in 2024:

Tool borrowing * volunteer groups * coordinator consulting * translation services * Garden enhancement support

The Food Share's garden staff determines the distribution priorities in accordance with our mission. The garden program seeks to increase equitable food access by supporting the diverse communities of Marion and Polk counties in growing and sharing fresh produce. We prioritize gardens that:

*Enable community members to grow highly nutritious and culturally relevant food for their households.
*Engage communities disproportionately impacted by food insecurity, including people of color, immigrants  and refugees, and people experiencing poverty.
*Actively foster equity by making garden services accessible to groups facing barriers, conducting outreach to diverse communities, and/or building partnerships with diverse groups.

Questions? Contact Ava Ryan aryan@marionpolkfoodshare.org
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Garden Name: *
Garden Address: *
Garden Coordinator Name (main contact): *
Garden Coordinator Phone Number: *
Garden Coordinator Email: *
Are there other people closely involved with the management of the garden we should include on our contact list (e.g., co-coordinators, community partners)? Please list a name, role, and phone or email for each additional contact. *
Please describe the land access arrangement for the garden. Who owns the land the garden is situated on? Is the garden property formally leased, operated under a license, or operated informally? *
How many plots are in the garden, and what are their approximate sizes?
Example: Eleven plots total. 6 plots at 8x4 and 5 plots at 10x2.
How much does it cost to rent a garden plot? Do you offer any for free? *
Is the garden open to the public, or does it serve a particular population (i.e. apartment residents only)? Please describe who utilizes the garden. *
How many gardeners participated in the garden in 2023? *
How many plots were unused or vacant in 2023? *
What languages other than English are used by the gardeners? For each language, approximately how many gardeners use this language as their primary means of communication?
How do you advertise the garden to the neighborhood and the larger community?
How do you make the garden a welcoming space for individuals who represent different cultures or traditions or who speak other languages than the coordinator? *
What community organizations, other than the Food Share, do you partner with to make the garden a success?

How has the garden impacted the greater community? 

Please take a minute to list some of the benefits you witness as a member of the garden. Some ideas may include, but are not limited to: Created space for gathering, increased consumption of fresh food, brought people together that normally wouldn’t interact, etc.


Please identify any barriers/challenges the garden is currently experiencing. 
What goals do you have for the garden this year, including planned expansions or community engagement goals?
This year we are offering mini grants to gardens that have plans to make significant changes/improvements to their site. Are you interested in applying for a mini grant for 2024?
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