Reusable straws
Reduce plastic waste by requesting your drink without a plastic straw and/or bringing your own reusable alternative.

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Why avoid disposable straws?
Around 8.5 billion plastic straws are thrown away each year, potentially contributing to over 150 million tonnes of plastic in the world’s oceans - of this an estimated 4.7 billion plastic straws are used just in England.  

Single-use straws are used for a few minutes then discarded, where they will remain in the environment indefinitely. They are lightweight and easily blown down drains and into waterways, rivers and oceans. Straws can become stuck in the airways of animals, or if mistaken for food and ingested can be fatal. Together, we can get straws out of the top 10 list of items collected in beach cleanups.

What is the solution?
Many bars and cafes put plastic straws in every drink. Reduce plastic waste and protect wildlife by requesting your drink without a plastic straw, and bringing your own reusable alternative. Sustainable alternatives include stainless steel, bamboo, and glass options available on the market, and even foldable reusable straws that you can easily keep in your purse or pocket.
Example of stainless steel eco straws
Example of zero waste cutlery/straw pouches
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