
March 16, 5-6 pm MT Edmonton

Topic: Why open pedagogy and learning activities?

By: Tom Worthington

Athabasca University recently renamed their Master of Education in
Distance Education (MEd DE) to be a Master of Education in *Open*,
*Digital* and Distance Education (MEd ODDE). Join Tom Worthington, one
of the graduates, to discuss what open educaiton is, what are the
benefits and pitfalls and how to do it.

Pre-reading "Use of Open Education Resources", from Digital Teaching In
Higher Education, Tom Worthington, 2017:

Cost: Free.   Scroll down to register. Registration link: 
Tuesday, January 19, 26/Feb 2, 9
(20 minute session)
5 pm MT Edmonton, Alberta, Canada  

Engaging Students in the Online Environment: Four Free Webinars

Please join us for a series of four 20 minute free webinars in the Microlearning Series at Maskwacis Cultural College in Canada. These will be on "Engaging students in online environment". They are planned to be each Wednesday, from 20 January at 11:00 am AEDT Sydney time (Tuesday, January 19, 5 pm MST in Edmonton). This follows Tom Worthington’s six part "Higher education after COVID-19" series in 2020.

Instructor:   Tom Worthington is an independent computer professional, educational design consultant and an Honorary Senior Lecturer in the Research School of Computer Science at the Australian National University. He blogs at:

Cost: Free.   Registration link:

Proposed topics: 

This is part of the Maskwacis Cultural College Microlearning Series and is open to the public.
Contact Manisha Khetarpal by email via or call toll free: 1 866 585 3925
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