Speaker request form - Health Care Without Harm Europe
To request a speaker from Health Care Without Harm (HCWH) Europe to participate in your event or webinar, please fill out this short form to provide details about the organiser, the event/webinar, and the requested speaking slot.

A member of the HCWH Europe team will respond to your request.
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Organisation name *
Organisation website
Your name *
Your position *
Your email address *
Confirm email address *
Please re-enter your email address
Name of your event/webinar *
Event/webinar website
Event/webinar location *
Please provide the city where your event will take place. Please indicate if it is an online or hybrid event
Event/webinar description *
Please provide a short description of your event
Event/webinar date *
Please indicate the date of the requested speaking slot
Event/webinar end date
Audience *
Please indicate the expected audience, e.g. healthcare professionals, policy-makers, academia, industry.
Which speaker are you requesting?
Please leave blank if you are not requesting a specific member of the team
Speaking request *
Session details *
Please provide a short description of the requested speaking slot, e.g. details of other speakers or presentation requirements
Is there a speaker fee available? *
Please enter an amount or n/a
Are travel and accommodation expenses reimbursed? *
Additional comments or requests
Please include links to supporting documents e.g. agendas, including drafts, if available
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